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We invite any businesses and individuals, who have similar beliefs about the importance of spending time outdoors, to support Wild Canyon Discovery’s dream of getting more youth, individuals and families outside and experiencing the health and life benefits of exploring and enjoying the incredible landscape in our area.
We are a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
Any financial donation of $250 or more may be tax deductible.
Our federal tax ID number is 84-4985223.
​ Use the "Donate" button above to make a one-time donation in any amount or a recurring one using a credit card.
Not sure how much to donate? Below are some suggested amounts that gives you an idea how the donations are used.
Thank you so much for your contribution!
1 Youth Camp Scholarship
Every dollar helps!
2 Youth Camp Scholarships
4 Youth Camp Scholarships
Donate Annual
Insurance Cost
Volunteer Background
Check Fee
Donate Food
For One Youth Camp Program
Mail us your donation check
Send a donation check to:
Wild Canyon Discovery
P.O. Box 410073
Big Water, UT 84741-2073
Donate to help local youth
If giving young people outdoor activity options that don't include electronic screens and devices is something that is important to you,
then donate today to help us to be able to offer scholarships
for our programs to more youth in the Northern Arizona
and Southern Utah area.
You can mail us a check at the above address or
donate online using this Paypal link.
Thanks for your generosity!
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